1. Dream come true. I´ve always wanted a globe with light. Now I have one from year 1976. Some countries are with different names etc. It´s fab!
2.-7. Christmas. I visited my Father who lives up north. It was cold as hell but we managed to have some nice time outside, no matter what! Key to survival is dressing up with many layers.
8. Pre-holidays party.
9.. May was time of Eurovision song contest. We always watch it, playing drinking game at same time!
10-11. Year 2009 was year of concerts. I also saw one of my fav metal bands, Killwitch Engage, live at last!
12. White, early winter.
13. Star Gazing with my girls. Perseid Meteor shower was a blast!
14-15. Trip to Sweden. I love long breakfast during early ferry trips! I had few nice, lazy summer days while visiting my friend at southern Sweden.
16-18. Autumn colors rules o.k!
19-20. Movie making magic! I was working as a production manager in one short film project. Fun, but exhausting!
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